About project
Target groups and groups benefiting from the project
Secondary and post secondary hearing-impaired youth from V4 countries are the target group of the project. This group's being not favored in the professional and social aspects. The international integration is also very limited due to the small number of initiatives that promote joint educational activities and verbal communications barriers as well. Impact on target groups: strengthening the self-esteem and culture among the deaf culture communities, young people in particular breaking the insulation and alienation among the deaf people what will contribute to establishing international contacts, comabating the social exclusion of people with hearing impairments, which includes digital exclusion, creating middle grounds and cooperation in the society of deaf in all V4 countries.
1. Civil Society USKO
Address: Klastorska 24a, Levoca, 054 01, Slovakia
2. Dr. Török Béla Nursary, Primary School, Methodological Center, Special Vocational School
Address: Rakospatak u.101, Budapest, 1142, Hungary
3. Kindergarten, primary school and secondary school for the hearing impaired
Address: Vsetinska 454, Valasske Mezireci, 75714, Czech Republic