Cross border of silent
The project involves a joint workshop on SignWriting – sign language recording.
The workshop will take place on both sides of the border and upper secondary students from Poland and Slovakia will participate.
The workshops on SignWriting are aimed at strengthening the social and professional integration of young people with disabilities, as well as initiating interaction on the development of modern forms of education. The workshop will include learning the sign language notation in Slovak and Polish as well as the use of these elements in the process of education of the deaf.
SignWriting is an innovative method of recording sign language which supports educational opportunities for the deaf people and their social and cultural development. SignWriting can be taught both in relation to Slovak and Polish sign language. The workshop will aim at mastering the basics of SignWriting, mainly its notation, by the youth. Workshop formula of the classes - where the youth, besides the teachers, will serve an active educative role - will result in the mutual exchange of knowledge on the specificity and efficiency of sign language learning.
Participants will receive training materials and refreshments. An important objective of the project, besides the transfer of knowledge, is the development of social skills and competence which is equivalent to standards describing the learning outcomes adopted by the EU.